Encounters of Beauty 


Various ketubbot decorated with lattice patterns, incised with knife and bradawl, occasionally also backed with a colored lining (as in no. 72), testify to their popularity in Ancona. These inspired designs in other cities, as is shown by comparing the ketubbah from the National Library, written in Ancona in 1771 (no. 75) with that in the Braginsky Collection from Senigallia, dated 1773 (no. 76). The border of a ketubbah in the Braginsky Collection (no. 77) originally from c. 1775, was re-used some 75 years later in a new ketubbah.

Ancona, Wednesday, 6 Kislev 5532 (13 November 1771) 

Isaac, son of Samuel Shemayiah Papo & Esther, daughter of Menahem Raphael ha-Levi 

Parchment, 710 x 545 mm 

National Library of Israel, Ms. Heb. 1° 901.123

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