Encounters of Beauty 


Outside Italy elaborately ornamental ketubbot were also drawn up in the prominent Sephardic communities of Holland and France, as well as Gibraltar. Gibraltar's ketubbot are particularly decorative, with a typical oval-shaped text surrounded by floral wreaths and often the British crown (no. 71). The decorations on ketubbot from The Hague (no. 70) and Bordeaux (no. 69) reflect different traditions, the Bordeaux ketubbah being simpler in composition. Marriage contracts from The Hague, with their printed borders, are a variant of a design by the artist Shalom Italia for the Portuguese Jewish community of Amsterdam.


Bordeaux, Wednesday, 4 Tevet 5644 (2 January 1884) 

Moses, son of Samuel Moro & Esther, daughter of Aaron Pereira 

Paper, 239 x 193 mm 

National Library of Israel, Ms. Heb. 8° 901.1599

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