Encounters of Beauty 


Persian ketubbot inspired artists in Afghanistan whose decorative ketubbot are represented here by two examples from the National Library of Israel (nos. 89 and 90) and one from the Braginsky Collection (no. 88). A typical element in ketubbot from Herat is the five-arched arcade at the top, with floral vases accompanying biblical verses and other quotes. These appear in the ketubbot of 1893 and 1895 (nos. 90 and 88), yet not in the earlier document of 1812 (no. 89). Their three arches reflect an older tradition known from Persian ketubbot and drawing on Islamic book illustration. Another feature is the series of five roundels for the various signatures below. Interestingly, these vignettes are filled with flowers in the 1893 ketubbah. 

In Afghanistan, the signed ketubbah would be kept by the bride's parents, rather than the bride herself. 


Herat, Wednesday, 20 Elul 5655 
(7 September 1895) 

Joseph, son of Isaac & Rebecca, daughter of Raphael 

Paper, 568 × 460 mm 

Braginsky Collection, BCK 176

view the ketubbah